We've got a busy week ahead at Nicolet 🏀 🏊‍♂️🤼 🏒🤸‍♀️ For the complete list of upcoming events please visit ⤵ School 🔗https://bit.ly/3QqzZHz Athletics 🔗https://bit.ly/3Qdi4Uz
about 8 hours ago, Nicolet Union High School
picture of girls basketball player dribbling
North Shore Legion Rugby Club, formerly Nicolet Rugby, is back to practice starting February 24th, 5:00-6:30, at the Kletzsch Park baseball fields nearest Green Bay Rd 🏉 The club invites young men from every grade, Freshmen to Seniors, to enjoy being part of a winning team with an amazing group of players. They have many events planned outside of practice to grow the sport, have fun, and volunteer to help out in the community. Find them on Facebook by searching North Shore Legion Rugby, or online at ⤵ 🔗 northshorelegionrugby.com
about 17 hours ago, Nicolet Union High School
pictures of students playing rugby
✨ National School Counseling Week ✨ This is Melissa Hills' first year as a school counselor and 10th year overall at Nicolet Union High School. Melissa, thank you for your dedication to the Nicolet students ❗
3 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
picture of school counselor smiling
Nicolet Performing Arts students got an incredible opportunity to learn about diverse music careers from talented Milwaukee musicians🎶 Everything was covered from music therapy and the music industry to composition, performance, teaching, and gained insights from the Director of Education at the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. A big thank you to our guest speakers for sharing their passion and knowledge❗
3 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
students listening to a guest speaker
students listening to a guest speaker in the auditorium
students listening to a guest speaker in a classroom
students asking questions to a guest speaker
✨ National School Counseling Week ✨ Bobbie Johnson has been a school counselor for 15 years and this is her second year at Nicolet Union High School. Bobbie, thank you for your dedication to the Nicolet students ❗
4 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
picture of nicolet school counselor smiling
Congratulations to Nicolet’s Mock Trial team 2 for coming in as runner up in the Racine regional this past weekend❗ They will advance to the state competition where 20 of the best mock trial teams across Wisconsin will compete for the State Championship title in Madison March 7-9. Good luck to Alina Kalinger, Chloe Benzel, Tessa Mitchell, Auggie Golden, Nikki Brooks, Everett Lee, Lauren Huizenga, Annika Luke, Seth Stettler, Lana Maykhan, Kate Ploszaj and Hasti Dehbod 👩‍⚖️
5 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
picture of nicolet's mock trial team smiling
✨ National School Counseling Week ✨ Carly Roth has been a school counselor at Nicolet Union High School for 6 years. Carly, thank you for your dedication to the Nicolet students 👏
5 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
a green and blue graphic showing a woman smiling
Huge congrats to Nicolet students Cindy Dayao and Jonathan Lee for their amazing wins in the Scholastic Writing Contest 📝 Cindy took home a Silver Award for her portfolio "My Writing Journey" and an Honorable Mention for her memoir "Personal Essay". Jonathan earned a Gold Key for his portfolio "Small or Big, Fortunate or Unfortunate, It's All My Story". Both students entered on their own initiative – talk about dedication❗ Way to go Cindy & Jonathan 👏
5 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
two nicolet student smiling
✨ National School Counseling Week ✨ Michael McKenna has been a school counselor at Nicolet Union High School for 25 years. Michael, thank you for your dedication to the Nicolet students❗
6 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
picture of school counselor smiling
Students will be able to start selecting classes in Skyward for the 2025-26 school year starting today. Course selection will close on February 28th. Counselors will meet with students during their English or History classes. Teachers have been encouraged to have discussions with students prior to February 1st about the courses available in their department and provide specific recommendations. Parents are also encouraged to touch base with their child to review course decisions for the 2025-26 school year. Use this link to view new courses for the 2025-26 school year. 2025-26 Academic & Career Planning Guide ⤵ 🔗 https://www.nicolet.us/o/nhs/page/academic-and-career-planning-guide
6 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
graphic showing the nicolet knight
🤼 Nicolet Wrestling➡ Wed - 2/6 at 6pm 🤼 Join us for the FINAL dual meet of 2025 as your Nicolet Knights take on Grafton. This special night is dedicated to our amazing Kids Club, Alumni, Seniors, Parents, and Faculty members. We'll be honoring them as we close out the 2025 dual meet season. Get ready for an electrifying atmosphere with the sounds of the Nicolet Pepband🎶 And don't miss a special National Anthem performance by our very own Senior Knight, Victoria Jewell. Wear your Nicolet Blue spirit gear and come cheer your Knights to victory❗ #KnightNation
6 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
a picture of nicolet wrestlers smiling
✨ National School Counseling Week ✨ Nadar Raad has been a school counselor at Nicolet Union High School for 27 years. Nadar, thank you for your dedication to the Nicolet students ❗
7 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
picture of guidance counselor smiling
We've got a busy week ahead at Nicolet 🏀 🏊‍♂️🤼 For the complete list of upcoming events please visit ⤵ School 🔗https://bit.ly/3QqzZHz Athletics 🔗https://bit.ly/3Qdi4Uz
7 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
a nicolet wrestler smiling for a picture
Attention multilingual families: are you looking to connect to others who speak your language? Are you looking for specific language and community resources in the Milwaukee area? This event is for you. Please join us at Cultural Connections Night on Wednesday, February 12th from 5:30-7:30 pm in the Nicolet High School Cafeteria. We look forward to seeing you there! For more info and to rsvp please visit ⤵ 🔗 https://bit.ly/3EsPM86
10 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
a graphic showing information about an event
Congrats to our December Students of the Month 👏 English - Dylan Lee Innovation Arts - Olivia Cayle Math - Eli Doll Performing Arts - Isaiah Pelican Science - Daisy Altman Social Studies - Brittlynn Williams Students Services - Sophie Lewellen Student Supports - Alana Stoddard Wellness - Sadie Schultz World Language - Sully Bahr Nicolet Union High School has a Student of the Month program to help promote academic achievement, academic growth, leadership, and resilience in the classroom. Each month, each academic department will be selecting a Student of the Month who has demonstrated and displayed these characteristics. Each Student of the Month earns Nicolet swag, bragging rights, and schoolwide recognition for being one of our top students!
10 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
picture of students smiling
The Nicolet Boys Basketball team will be participating in the first-ever Deer District Prep Showcase at the Fiserv Forum on Saturday, February 8th at 6pm vs. Kettle Moraine 🏀 Purchase your tickets today by visiting ⤵ 🔗 https://bit.ly/4hJYtdz
11 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
a graphic showing how to purchase tickets for a basketball game
Congratulations to Nicolet Forensics team members who competed at the Divine Savior Holy Angels tournament ❗ Lilith Baldwin: 3rd Place in Farrago Maya Khayat: 3rd Place in Moments in History (Maya wrote her own speech) Anaiya Deacon: 4th Place in Impromptu Jackson Bruggeman & Dhruva Shreejay: 4th Place in Duo Interpretation Elena Johansen: 4th Place in Expository Speaking Lilian Ormsby: 4th Place in Radio Speaking We're so proud of your hard work and dedication 👏
11 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
nicolet forensics students holding their medals
nicolet students raising their arms
nicolet students posting for a picture
Want to play a Spring Sport 🥍🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🥎🏀⚽🎾🏌️‍♂️ Make sure to attend the sign-up meeting for your sport on Wednesday, February 5th. To find the location of the meetings please visit⤵ 🔗 https://www.nicolet.us/o/athletics/page/tryout-start-dates
12 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
a graphic showing the spring sports offered
Victoria Jewell earned her 50th career win at the Craig Belcher Invite - Varsity Girls Wrestling Tournament at Milwaukee Hamilton High School! Victoria is the first girls wrestler at Nicolet to achieve this significant career milestone! Not only did she garner 50+ wins, she placed first in her weight class as well! Congratulations Victoria 👏
12 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
picture of nicolet wrestling holding a sign
We've got a busy week ahead at Nicolet 🏒🏀 🏊‍♂️🏫 For the complete list of upcoming events please visit ⤵ School 🔗https://bit.ly/3QqzZHz Athletics 🔗https://bit.ly/3Qdi4Uz
14 days ago, Nicolet Union High School
a graphic showing upcoming events at nicolet